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Practice anatomy skills online May 23, 2009

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, Radiology.
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e-anatomy: interactive atlas of human anatomyAs a medical student, I never had a decent seminar in Radiology. Week after week we would go into a tiny room, and our doctor would show us x-ray and CT images from a distance of up to 10 meters (why didn’t I get closer? – because the room was crowded!) So how on earth was anybody supposed to learn in that kind of invironment? I am not proud of it, but I did not get much out those afternoon sessions. Even so, during my clinical rotations, I was expected to recognize certain lesions on CT, but I was not too successful as you may imagine.

That is why I am so glad I fould e-anatomy! Absolutely free of charge I get to practice my anatomy skills through CT and MRI images on a virtual workstation. The image quality is excellent, the labels are very informative, and if I chose to upgrade for only 40 dollars a year I could get even better service. Other subscription options are 1 dollar for a day, or 9 dollars for a month.  Institutions can also purchase a larger package, but the price is not available on the website.

All you need is a browser that supports Adobe Flash (sorry iPhone users), and a quick, free registration. They have a wide range of available content:



Skull, Sinuses

Temporal bone


Face (Bones)

Face (Soft tissues)




Arm, Forearm, wrist and hand

Hip, Thigh, Leg

Lower limb (arteries and bones)


Ankle and foot

Give it a try, and let me know how you liked it!

– András

SurgyTec: Surgical Video Community October 31, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, Surgery.
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I think it is no shame to admit, that I become a little bit lightheaded when it comes to being in the operating room seeing all that blood and most of the procedures. But being in the O.R. is still one of the best places to learn about medicine. One may pick up a little bit of anatomy, physiology, and anesthesiology at the same time. But the best part of it all is that which you see in the O.R. will become a lifetime experience and a memory one never forgets. Therefor studying becomes much easier.

SurgyTec is a great place for students and even professionals to learn about new surgical techniques via great quality videos.

SurgyTec is the first global online surgical community where surgeons and invasive specialists can exchange know-how through freely accessible video and slide shows. It facilitates the barrier-free sharing of know-how and skills to the surgical community, across all surgical and invasive disciplines. The gain by sharing philosophy, which SurgyTec.com is built around, has since the launch of its test site in January already attracted surgeons from all continents exchanging ideas, opinions and experiences.

Check it out!

– Andras

First Health Blogger Conference October 30, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0.
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I am pleased to announce to you that the first Health Blogger Conference has just been confirmed:

This conference will be the largest gathering of health writers in history! The Conference will be by invitation only, and as a member of the Health Blogger Network, you will automatically be guaranteed an invitation. This will be a great place for you to meet fellow health bloggers, share best practices, discuss sources of ideas, learn how to promote your blog, and meet some of the most prominent figures in the world of health. There will be a series of organized information sessions and seminars, as well as fun events and ample opportunities for you to meet and mingle in a relaxed atmosphere. We will announce the location soon – somewhere you will enjoy a healthy, rejuvenating, experience.

This event is affiliated with WellSphere.
– Andras

Search Medica: relevant information in Medicine October 25, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, science.
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 SearchMedica.com logo
I have discovered SearchMedica through radRounds, the community site for Radiologist. SearchMedica is a part of CMPMedica that owns other popular websites such as Psychiatric Times and Physicians Practice.

The algorithms behind SearhMedica do the same as any other web search engine does: crawls, indexes and displays relevant results. It draws from well-known, credible journals, systematic reviews, and evidence-based articles, patient-directed websites, online CME courses, and government databases of clinical trials and practice guidelines.

What I found great about this search engine, is that one may start by limiting search results to a given field of medicine, such as “Radiology” or “Cardiovascular.”

After hitting the search button, and getting a ton of results, one may further narrow or broaden search results by clicking on the list that appears on top and onto the left [not shown on image] of the search results.

In conclusion, SearchMedica is a promising project that will find many supporters amongst medical professionals, and it is one I am sure to use until SEEKRadiology becomes a true meta search engine.

– Andras

Meet me in the Lab! August 2, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, Social network.
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If you are tired of keeping all of your portable document files on a pendrive LabMeeting might be for you. Labmeeting was designed for scientists to keep and organize all of their documents in one place. Once you have uploaded some of your files, they are ready for viewing with an embedded pdf. reader. Labmeeting may also notify you of relevant new articles that tie in with your research or interest.

Each individual on Labmeeting get their own homepage, so that other members can view what others are reading, which facilitates communication. With some papers on your profile page, you may connect to others, recommend articles to them, and open discussions right from this website.

Labmeeting is free for individual scientists and students.

Further reading:

– Andras

Medicine 2.0.: Leading Online Technologies June 6, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, web 2.0.
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Welcome to the second edition of our Medicine 2.0 series! In this edition we are going to take a look at available or soon-to-be-available online technologies which are ahead of their time, and are sure to help us pave the way towards a better Internet and better Medicine.

1. DoubleCheckMD is a website that allows you to search for side effects of the drug that you are taking. It lists side effects by the following categories: general side effects, general warning, pregnancy, lactation, and also gives information on dosage by illness.

2. PatientsLikeMe is a website for patients to share their experience, and learn from others who overcame an illness similar to theirs. Information can be searched by patient, treatment, or symptom.

3. InfomedMD is not available yet, but it is already making the headlines of many blogs and online news sites. Why? Because it promises to provide you personalized medical information through a series of “intelligent” questions. I am eager to see this one happen!

4. Sermo is an online community for health care professionals to exchange information, discuss cases, and learn from each other in real time. No wonder it is expanding so rapidly.


5. Praxeon is a company with already 4 of the handiest online technologies:

Further reading:

– Andras

Medicine 2.0: Keeping your health records online February 20, 2008

Posted by tomography in Medicine 2.0, web 2.0.

As a medical student I have some insight into how patients’ records are stored at hospitals. I can tell you that sometimes it is very difficult to dig up a patient’s medical history if he or she either does not remember, unable to answer, or simply does not have them. There are several crucial pieces of information that a doctor might need before administering a drug or beginning a certain type of treatment and when no previous medical history is available then these doctors are kept in the dark and they are required to proceed with fingers crossed, hoping that their patient is not allergic to penicillin, for example. Probably that was the initial thought behind a couple startup websites that let patients keep all their medical information (including treatment history, medications, X-rays, CT and MRI images, etc.) in one place; you probably guessed it: online. This information can be accessed with a login name and password from anywhere in the world and patients can also choose to share this information with any health care provider.
These sites are not simply virtual storage facilities, but they offer a wide variety of tools and services free of charge. Let us take a tour of these sites and see what they might have in store for patients.

Revolution Health Logo
I start with Revolution Health because its name applies best what is happening in Medicine 2.0 and also because this is my favorite out of the seven (unless Google Health surprises me). Revolution Health is a very neat, and clean website. It is well organized, and there are no annoying images or advertisements. All sites that are featured here have a news section and a long link section, so let us turn our attention to the right hand column on this site. Here you will find tools for finding a doctor near you, tools for finding drugs and treatments, and a Google Alert-type automated reminder that you can configure to your own needs. The Symptom Checker on this site is just amazing! You click a couple check boxes that best describe your symptoms, and it gives you a list of possible conditions. It is quite detailed. I liked this one, and I can recommend it to you! The Know Your Risks tools lets you find out just how healthy are you, and what diseases you are most prone to based on your habits. If you need more tools, check out the Toolkit that has a BMI calculator, cigarette costs calculator, and my favorite: a calculator that tells you the number of calories you should eat based on your sex, BMI, and age. With Revolution Health you can also start your health portfolio, and keep all your medical records online!

Better Information. Better Health.

WebMD is already a brand that more and more people are familiar with, and I can tell you it is a no wonder why. It is also a well designed site, that offers many free tools for patients. It has a great video section with a huge number of medical condition related videos. The medicine section has a great search option, and tells all that you need to know about a drug including all side-effects. It dedicates a whole section to women, men and children with dietary, fitness and sexual advice. WebMD has a lot of interesting blogs that you can sign up to. These are recategorized by blog topic or expert name. You may sign up with WebMD and start uploading your medical history also free of charge.


I was a little bit surprised by Microsoft entering the online health market, but when I came to think about it, it was a natural move by the software giant. If you do trust Microsoft on information safety go ahead sign in to Health Vault with you Live ID, and start uploading your documents today. The website promises a much better search tool than your regular link-based search engines such as Google, but it fails to provide the “wow” it promises. What is good about the site is that it is compatible with a few programs that clinicians are using in their practices, therefor your HealthVault can be both updated by you or your health care provider. These include: CapMed, MyselfHelp, Kriptyq, and more. Another feature I see potential in is that Health Vault supports a couple devices that patients might be using such as blood glucose monitors, peekflow meters, and everyone’s favorite: Polar watches! In whole, I would give this site a 7 out of 10, because it features the same layout that all MSN or Hotmail users are familiar with, and because it is a great concept, though not yet fully developed.


According to TechCrunch Google is entering the online health record keeping business soon. When? Nobody has the answer to that questions, but with Google you will be able to:

  • Build online health profiles that belong to you
  • Download medical records from doctors and pharmacies
  • Get personalized health guidance and relevant news
  • Find qualified doctors and connect to time-saving services
  • Share selected information with family or caregivers

Here is the latest on this one: Google is set to announce on Thursday that it will be using the Cleveland Clinic hospital in Cleveland, Ohio as the pilot site for its new personal health records initiative.


Keyose is a bit different of these, since it allows users to store their information confidentialy, which is a must in our high-tech everyday lives. Check out the post on Keyose!

There are several other website that allow you to store your medical history online, so I urge you to consider all before making your decision:

I wonder if these are all compatible with one another.
Probably not!

– Andras

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