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MONT Conference: day two July 5, 2009

Posted by tomography in Mont 2009.
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I apologize for putting this up so late but I was busy the past two days. So the second day of the conference passed very quickly. Presentations from 8-12, including mine at 11:36, great lunch, poster session, afternoon presentations and a fabulous dinner at the Hotel Aranybika.

My presentation was in a very physics oriented section. I guess it would not have fit in anywhere any better, but I was happy to see that the lecture hall began To fill up with people just in time for my presentation.

At the end I was glad to have it overwith, and I was more relaxed when talking To people afterwards. I hope To give this presentation somewhere else also.

So I will end this post just the way that day ended; with pictures from the dinner party.
– Andras